2016 Karapatan Year-end Report on the Human Rights Situation in the Philippines

Cover YER 2016

Cover YER 2016

As soon as Rodrigo Duterte became the evident winner in the last presidential elections, the public shut off BS Aquino from their minds and turned their attention to Duterte who espoused “change” during his electoral campaign. BS Aquino had been a dead weight on the shoulders of the Filipino people in the past six years. Never mind if up to the last minute, he acted under the illusion that he was the guardian of democracy like no other. 

Read full text here: https://www.karapatan.org/2016+Human+Rights+Report

Cover YER 2016

As soon as Rodrigo Duterte became the evident winner in the last presidential elections, the public shut off BS Aquino from their minds and turned their attention to Duterte who espoused “change” during his electoral campaign. BS Aquino had been a dead weight on the shoulders of the Filipino people in the past six years. Never mind if up to the last minute, he acted under the illusion that he was the guardian of democracy like no other. 

Read full text here: https://www.karapatan.org/2016+Human+Rights+Report