“The non-compliance of the Philippine government with the Comprehensive Agreement on the Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL) since it was signed in 1998 proves that a mere change of presidents will NOT bring about just and lasting peace for the Filipino people,” Karapatan Secretary General Cristina Palabay said. All three regimes of Estrada, Arroyo, and Aquino were guilty of violations of CARHRIHL.
“The non-compliance of the Philippine government with the Comprehensive Agreement on the Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL) since it was signed in 1998 proves that a mere change of presidents will NOT bring about just and lasting peace for the Filipino people,” Karapatan Secretary General Cristina Palabay said. All three regimes of Estrada, Arroyo, and Aquino were guilty of violations of CARHRIHL.
Today, March 16 is the 18th year since the CARHRIHL was signed by both the National Democratic Front of the Philippines and the Philippine Government. CARHRIHL guarantees the protection of human rights of all Filipinos especially the workers, peasants and other poor people. The agreement also aims to affirm and apply the principles of international humanitarian law in order to protect the civilians in the on-going armed conflict.
“Human rights violations continue at an unprecedented rate even after the overthrow of the Marcos dictatorship, when “democracy” was supposedly restored. The same State machineries that perpetuate rights violations during the US-Marcos regime are still in place,” Palabay said. “And those that control these machineries use them to protect the same class interests that the Marcos protected,” Palabay said.
“The Armed Forces of the Philippines and its counter-insurgency programs, the paramilitaries, even the judiciary and police are all part of the system that brings about extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, torture, forced evacuations, and political prisoners,” Palabay said. “BS Aquino, during his presidential campaign, waved the flag of justice and human rights but only to gain votes. His fascist color came out as soon as he took the seat in Malacanang,” Palabay continued.
“The root causes of the continuing armed conflict remain and at its worst under the BS Aquino regime—the sell-out of national sovereignty, the landlessness, low wages, high cost of basic commodities and public services such as education, public transportation, and health services. Just like the past regimes, BS Aquino refused to address these issues and instead pacify the people’s clamour for peace, justice and change through state terrorism,” Palabay said.
“We join the struggling Filipino people on their call for the US-Aquino regime to respect human rights and international humanitarian law. We understand that for as long as the root causes of the armed conflict exist, the civil war continues. It is the obligation of both parties to make the civil war humane,” Palabay said.
Since the signing of CARHRIHL, none of the remaining three substantive agenda in the peace negotiations has come near to an agreement. These are the Comprehensive Agreement on Social and Economic Reforms, Comprehensive Agreement on Political and Constitutional Reforms, and the Agreement on the End of Hostilities and Disposition of Forces.
“With all this election gaga, we still look forward for true representatives of the Filipino people who would be the voice of the oppressed and champions of human rights in the elite-dominated bureaucracy even as we continue to work for a truly just and democratic Philippines.” Palabay ended. ###