Archives: Media Releases

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Two new victims of political killings as 2008 begins

Tildo Rebamonte, a 45-year old carpenter from Claveria town, Masbate province was allegedly abducted by members of the Philippine National Police-Regional Mobile Group (RMG) on January 12, 2008 at around 5 am.

Shoot the Messenger and Save Face

Karapatan’s data and reports, including the Commission on Human Rights in its investigations, the Philippine Congress in its many congressional inquiries, the United Nations in its many committee hearings, among others. Its veracity lies mainly in its reliable documentation of facts and committed teams of documentors and paralegals who expose human rights violations that otherwise …

Shoot the Messenger and Save Face Read More »

GMA is No.1 Human rights violator Families of Victims of Human Rights Violations: GMA deserves “Medalya de Horror”

Today, International Human Rights Day, families of victims of human rights violations gather at the University of the Philippines grounds to confer to Gloria Macapagal Arroyo the MEDALYA DE HORROR for being the No. 1 human rights violator in the country. "For the victims and their families, this is the award Gloria rightfully deserves" declared …

GMA is No.1 Human rights violator Families of Victims of Human Rights Violations: GMA deserves “Medalya de Horror” Read More »

New evidence on the enforced disappearance of UP students prompt mothers to test writ of amparo

New evidence on the enforced disappearance of University of the Philippines (UP) students Sherlyn Cadapan and Karen Empeño and their farmer companion Manuel Merino prompted their mothers to file a writ of amparo before the Supreme Court at 9AM today, the first day the new law takes effect. “We are grateful that the Supreme Court …

New evidence on the enforced disappearance of UP students prompt mothers to test writ of amparo Read More »