Archives: Media Releases

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UN Rapporteur on arbitrary executions visits the Philippines: rights and victims’ organizations express hope

“We welcome Mr. Philip Alston’s visit with optimism,” said Marie Hilao-Enriquez, Secretary General of the human rights alliance KARAPATAN on the arrival of United Nations Special Rapporteur (SR) on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions. Enriquez says “it is high-time that the UN Special Rapporteur probes the interminable arbitrary executions under the Arroyo government.”

Gloria Arroyo is 100% responsible for disappearances & rights violations! – Desaparecidos kin

Witnesses and relatives of victims of enforced disappearances today came out to accuse Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo of being responsible for the abductions because of her national policy Oplan Bantay Laya. “Mrs. Arroyo, please quit your lies. We don’t have any need of your farcical investigations. YOU, the military and police are 100 % responsible for …

Gloria Arroyo is 100% responsible for disappearances & rights violations! – Desaparecidos kin Read More »

`Melo did not get to the bottom of killings’ – KARAPATAN

The Melo Commission turned a blind eye on the glaring fact that the extrajudicial killings under the Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo administration are a matter of state policy.  It did not get to the bottom of the nationwide, systematic extrajudicial killings that is so rampant, even the international community is alarmed.