Rights group denounces House of Reps’ railroading of charter change

Human rights alliance Karapatan assailed the fevered rush by members of the House of Representatives to pass a resolution that will effect charter change by 2024. With a vote of 301-6-1, the House of has just passed Resolution of Both Houses No. 6 that will railroad amendments to the economic provisions of the 1987 constitution.

Karapatan secretary general Cristina Palabay slammed the move, saying that amending the 1987 Constitution’s economic provisions or deleting them altogether will remove the only remaining protections for the country’s economic sovereignty and open the country to unbridled foreign domination.

“And as if this is not enough,” said Palabay, “the proponents of this resolution have not shied away from admitting that they are likewise open to changing the constitution’s political provisions, specifically those on term limits, the partylist system, the prohibition of foreign military bases and the like.”

“It is now open season in Congress for the entry of all sorts of self-serving provisions that will increase the powers of reactionary politicians, facilitate authoritarian rule and denigrate human rights,” said Palabay, “aside from solidifying foreign control over the country’s politics and economy.”

“We must unite to expose and oppose this latest move to railroad charter provisions that will be detrimental to the people’s exercise of their political and economic rights and redound to greater suffering for the majority of Filipinos,” concluded Palabay.