We demand the unconditional release of Reina Mae Nasino from Prison and the dropping of all charges filed against her!
We demand the unconditional release of Reina Mae Nasino from Prison and the dropping of all charges filed against her!
As we grieve collectively for the undeservedly short life of Baby River, our grief is nothing compared to what political prisoner Reina Mae Nasino and her family is going through. We are all grandparents of Baby River and Filipino custom dictates that a family should be able to grieve their loss. Especially in the case of Reina Mae and daughter River, where a grave injustice had been committed against them.
Student activist jailed on trumped-up charges, a victim of collusion between the powers-that-be, Reina carried her baby to full term inside jail without prenatal check-up. She had to give up her baby not yet two months into breastfeeding to her mother, and brought back to prison, failing in her plea to the court to release her from prison to allow her to care for her daughter. Fast forward to a few months after and Baby River became critically ill and passed away, the court never lifted a finger, and did not even allow Reina that precious final embrace with her dying daughter. This government is so threatened and refuses to release a mother political prisoner in order to care for an infant child? What kind of government is this that refuses to allow a mother to see and embrace her child in her final moment in life? The inhumanity of this government is beyond comprehension!
Nothing can compensate for Reina Nasino’s grief and loss of her daughter. This government must dig deep into their humanity to unconditionally release Reina and let her be with her baby for the final time without delay! We demand justice for Baby River and Reina Mae Nasino!
And we weep that Baby River should have a life so brief. But grief is the last act And we wept that one so lovely should have a life so brief. Grief is the last act of love we give to Baby River.