Report Type: Karapatan Monitor

Quarterly report on the human rights situation in the Philippines


KARAPATAN Monitor July-September 2008

The third quarter of 2008 saw a surge in abductions and disappearances, arrests and the use of torture. Extrajudicial killings continue to be committed, with Mindanao suffering the most number of civilian casualties.

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KARAPATAN Monitor April-June 2008

The decrease in number (of extrajudicial killings) while a cause to congratulate is likewise a cause to condemn because it merely shows clearly who are behind the extrajudicial killings,” states Prof. Philip Alston, United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.

Karapatan monitor

KARAPATAN Monitor January-March 2008

KARAPATAN Monitor is a ­quarterly update of facts and figures covering human rights violations. It aims to provide the public timely national data from reports gathered by the Karapatan national network.