Hustisya welcomes the opportunity to participate in yesterday’s hearing on House Bill No. 10986, the proposed Anti-Extrajudicial Killing Act, at the Committee on Justice of the House of Representatives.
We welcome the authors and advocates of this bill for seeking to address the alarming prevalence of extrajudicial killings in the Philippines. However, we stress that any legislation aimed at preventing and addressing such heinous crimes must be comprehensive, victim-centered, and rooted in justice and accountability.
The victims and their families demand more than promises of reform — they demand truth, accountability, and tangible actions against perpetrators, especially those in positions of power. It is imperative that this piece of legislation ensures mechanisms for the effective investigation, prosecution, and punishment of violators while also providing adequate support and protection for victims and witnesses.
Hustisya stands firm in its call: End impunity now. We urge our lawmakers to enact laws that genuinely uphold human rights and provide justice for all victims of state-sponsored violence.###